We at The Hive Honey Shop have worked as live bee handlers with many companies, advising them on all aspects of bees and beekeeping for the film and advertising industry.
Consultancy Work:
James owner of The Hive Honey Shop was the beekeeping Consultant and live bee handler for the Miramax 2024 Film, The Beekeeper, staring Jason Statham.
The British Museum, launching of their log observation beehive. James Hamill employed by their PR company to advise on all aspects of beekeeping.
Bee Wilson, author of The Hive, collaborated interview research for her book.
LiveTV City Television network, provided apiary location and acted as live bee handler. Premier Mode Events, HRH The Prince of Wales, Highgrove shop management company. We were approached to set up an entire business plan for Highgrove covering, increased beehives, management of the hives, production of the product and working on the label and look of the final product.
Vodafone, employed as Live Bee Handler for their Tele Messaging Campaign Commercial. Provided props, protective suits and beehives.
Paramount Pictures, UK, employed to work with them to promote the Dream Works motion picture, Bee Movie.
Shine Communications Ltd, Marketing/PR the DVD Bee Movie sales.
HRH The Prince of Wales. Employed to set up and maintain his beehives at High Grove.
Provided props for the Collins’ Beekeeper’s Bible, .
Please email us with your proposals at PR@thehivehoneyshop.co.uk