As family based UK beekeepers, after 20 years of making HayfeGUARD, local honey, pollen & royal jelly, we decided to make it available to farm shops, deli’s, health food shops, pharmacy’s up and down the country. We wanted to make contact to get the message out there that we produce local British honey. We decided to give the Natural & Organic Show at Olympia a try this year and took out a trade stand.
What we did not expect was the flood of interest and orders! It was an amazing surprise day one, when we could barely keep up. Head beekeeper of HayfeGUARD, a local honey, pollen & royal jelly formulation said,’ I never imagined so many people and companies would be that interested in local honey and what we do, We were inundated with orders from shops, distributors and international buyers requesting our product. It has been a really enjoyable experience to meet so many old clients in person and making so many new ones as well.’
A BIG thanks you to the organisers of the show for helping our family run business grow.
The Hive Honey Shop, makers of HayfeGUARD.